
[日期:2009-03-17]  來源:中國風景園林網  作者:   發(fā)表評論(1)打印


旅游管理 04-1  井琛

指導教師  張玉鈞




A Study on Landscape Management in Recreation Area Based on Analysis of Landscape Sensitivity

Tourism Management 04-1 Jing Chen

Supervisor  Zhang Yu-jun


  From the study history of the landscape and landscape management, the basic concept and methodology of the landscape management were discussed in this paper. The landscape management is a concept which contains landscape planning and landscape evaluation. The complexity of the landscape is an important reason which also causes the work of landscape management very complicated. Landscape is a multiple concept which covers geography, ecology and aesthetics. The work of landscape management should consolidate different aspects, especially the systemic aspect and the aesthetic aspect. The contradiction between them should be solved before decision. The theory of the landscape sensitivity, especially the theory of visual landscape sensitivity was analyzed in this paper. It is believed that this theory can be the principle of the landscape management. The consolidation of the visual landscape sensitivity and the systemic landscape sensitivity can describe the properties of landscape very well. The work of the landscape management in the recreation area needs to be conducted under the function and the aim because no certain methodology has been mentioned in this special field. Take the Hongyeling of BaDaling national park as an example, according to the theory of the landscape sensitivity and the basic condition of the study site, the landscape sensitivity hierarchy was analyzed. Topography can be the main factor to describe the sensitivity in the study site. In this paper the Arcview3.2 was used to analyze the problem and then many advices were given on the recreation landscape management in Hongyeling area.

  Key words: Landscape, Recreation landscape, Landscape management, Landscape sensitivity

第1頁:摘要 第2頁:緒論
第3頁:相關概念及其內涵 第4頁:景觀評價技術方法和景觀敏感度相關理論
第5頁:案例研究 第6頁:案例研究
第7頁:案例研究 第8頁:結論與建議
編輯:royal | 閱讀:
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匿名 發(fā)表于 2009-4-16 18:01:45
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