
Evaluation of Carbon Emission in Low-carbon Eco-city on the New Data Environment:Case study on the West New District of Jinan city

2020-07-16 15:23:19    作者:Xinyu He, Huabin Xiao     來(lái)源:中國(guó)風(fēng)景園林網(wǎng)     瀏覽次數(shù):

Evaluation of Carbon Emission in Low-carbon Eco-city on the New Data Environment:Case study on the West New District of Jinan city

Xinyu He, Huabin Xiao

(School of Architecture and Urban planning, Shandong Jianzhu University, Jinan, China; Institute of Ecological Planning and Landscape Design, Shandong Jianzhu University, Jinan, China)

Abstract:Carbon missions caused by human activities are closely linked to the process of urbanization, urban land use, function vitality and traffic system are three important factors that may influence it. On the basis of clarifying the space structure of low carbon eco-city, this paper select quantifiable low-carbon eco-city spatial characteristics as indicators from two aspects: urban planning solutions and urban construction, combining the concept of "Combining Assessment With Construction" which can provide the way to track and contrast the construction of low-carbon eco-city. On the circumstance of New Data Environment and with the technical support of GIS, spatial analysis and network analysis are used to evaluate the results. Taking Jinan Western New District as an example, researchers compared the changes in carbon emission potential before and after completion and visualized them. The result shows that the conceptual planning plan of Jinan Western New District basically fulfills the low-carbon ecological goal proposed by the planning concept. However, some areas have not met the demand in terms of bus line density, urban function density and urban function.

Key Words: Low-carbon eco-city, New Data Environment, Carbon emission evaluation, Jinan Western New District

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