

2013-07-22 08:28:32         來源: 普洱新聞網(wǎng)     瀏覽次數(shù):

  The City is building a core region that acts as an ecological security barrier in Southwest China and is creating a green development model for the world. The development of five key industries including tourism, Pu 'er tea, Pu' er coffee, biological manufacturing, and plateau specialty foodstuffs has helped Pu’er build an ecological core value system and a path for green development.

  Pu’er has become a famous tourist destination at home and abroad thanks to its unique cultural industry of "ecological tea gardens". The sweet tea and bitter-smelling coffee produced in Pu’er is gaining wider recognition globally.

  The Kingdom of Flora and Fauna

  Thanks to its mild climate, with annual average temperatures of 18.9 ℃, Pu’er is known as the “Spring City”. In spite of increasing pollution throughout China, the air quality in Pu’er city is excellent. The negative oxygen ion content in the downtown is more than 12500 per cubic centimeter of air, which is twelve times higher than the "Fresh Air" standards set by the World Health Organization (WHO).

  Pu’er City is also one of the most concentrated areas of biodiversity in the world. With 16 nature reserves, 5600 advanced plants and 1500 animal species, the city is home to about 1/3 of the species in China. It is called “the palace of the kingdom of flora and fauna” in Yunnan province.

  The Graceful “Pu 'er"

  There are a great number of good trees in the world, but only one “Pu’er”. Every grass and tree is full of feeling in Pu’er. The mild climate, fresh air, easy breathing, rich biodiversity and diverse cultures contribute to the beautifulness of Pu’er. Mr. Dewei Qian——the mayor is still planting trees. He is a protector and builder of this kingdom of biodiversity.

  The graceful Pu’er is waiting to greet you. We are looking forward to sharing the joy of life in Pu’er. Welcome!




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