
Jacaranda廣場(chǎng) “每日?qǐng)鲳^”

2011-07-26 09:55:07         來源:園林景觀網(wǎng)     瀏覽次數(shù):

  Team: ASPECT Studios in collaboration with MWA, Deuce Design

  Project Title: Jacaranda Square, ‘The Everyday Stadium’

  Location: Sydney Olympic Park, Sydney

  Client: Sydney Olympic Park Authority

  Photographer: Kyal Sheehan, Simon Wood, Terence Chin

  Budget: AUS$2.2 million

  Area: 4000 square metres

  Completion date: 2008

  ‘The Everyday Stadium’ is the first new public space in Sydney Olympic Park. It refocuses the Olympic legacy of event and spectacle into a finely grained, sustainable town centre place. The project title ‘The Everyday Stadium’ is both an ironic nod to the 2000 Olympic Games and a precise description of the design concept. The morphology of a typical stadium gives the scheme its enduring diagram ie. an orthogonal edge of seats and walls (the stands), framing a large informal open space (the field), and protected by long perimeters of shade – one built and the other trees (the canopies).

  In contrast to the stadium buildings and left over spaces of Olympic Park, Jacaranda Square is a mid-scaled rectangular space of 50 x 80metres, situated on the train station axis and framed on its long sides by new commercial buildings which define it as the pivotal public space of the new town centre. The park is a place for passive recreation and a centre for community gathering. A circular café, situated beneath the canopy, provides an additional level of amenity for the new community of workers.

  This project successfully fuses Landscape Architecture, Industrial and Graphic Design with Architecture to create an intelligent and memorable open space. It has received many awards.




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