

2009-07-24 17:21:02         來源:筑龍網     瀏覽次數:



所 在 地:葡萄牙
  我們來自葡萄牙100 Planos建筑事務所的朋友和我們分享了他們最近的一個項目??花亭。

  這個項目的目的是構建一個結構模型,一個暫時休息的空間或者建筑物。該項目是應Vila do Conde博物館花園的需求而建,這里需要一個為兒童和游人準備的可休息和停留的空間,因此設計師設計了這個多功能亭。

  Our friends from 100 Planos Arquitectura, a Portuguese firm, shared with us their latest project, Flower Power.

  The objective of this project was to create a structure model, multipliable, capable of creating ephemeral spaces or buildings. The need for a small pavilion at the Vila do Conde’s museum’s garden, where children and adults can have a rest and stop for some time during a visit to the museum, was the ideal starting point for exploring this idea of multiplication.




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